>Great news! «ART BERNARD» NOT GO MORE! By David CIA-P

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From: David CIA-P
Date: 2010/4/19
Subject: Say good-bye to Art Bernard!
To: Joshua Antipedofilia.Org
Cc: Phil
​Hey Joshua,

Have a good read of what’s on this site regarding «Art Bernard»!! We’ve won!! Here’s the first statement:

«On Demand of the District Attourney of Amsterdam, this website will remain closed until a court hearing to decide on the legality of Bernards paintings. He’s works have been labelled as «Child Pornography» and it is now up to the Dutch legal system to decide on tier fate»
This is what the poor filthy paedophile «artist» has had to say:
Bernard writes;
«I expect a negative outcome from the Dutch authorities as the social climate here in Holland with regards youthfull sexuality is very unfavourable. So I do expect them to condem my works to be destroyed. I will have to take the case to the European courts of justice for a Higher decision.

All of this will take a long time and will cost a lot of money!
As all of my works are in police custody and I have been banned from producing any more work of the same nature, I have literally been prevented from earning any money as an artist.
If you would like to lend me some support in my quest for justice and the preservation of my Art, please consider making a donation.
Any amount, large or small will be greatly appreciated and will help me to prevent the freedom of art from becomming a victim of legal bureaucracy and stifled narrow mindedness of people ruled by fear.
I thank you in advance.

You can check and see for yourself here:

